
For all my poor blip friends shivering down in England! I thought I would post a photo from my roamings today. AS you can see; no snow, no ice just loveley delishious evening light with little sheepy mehs grazing in the last remnants of fading evening sunlight! Jealous yet?

Day began with church in Inveraray and nabbed a few shots there, then home again and the doggies were giving me the "look" so took them of to a nice forrest walk just past Kilmartin and grabbed this shot from the car park in Kilmartin on the way back. Honestly the day turned out lovely with blue skies, sun and little chookie burdz squacking blah blah blah! Am I boreing you?

Anyhows back home. Chubby hubby & youngest daughter will no doubt descend upon me at some point to disturb my peace and quiet but if truth be told yesterday I didnt actually speak to a living breathing soul apart from the dogs! Ah I hear the door as I write so here they come so must go

Happy blipping all

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