A long day!

Gosh what a day! Glad its over. First Report writing then translating into bloody Gaelic and flaming Windows 8 wouldnt let me use my default Gaelic dictionary so had to go to my geek cousin to fix, what a guy, he fixed it though it took a while. From there had to go film some dancers for this damn video , filming lassies with legs up to their oxters and able to do the splits, hoick their legs half way up the wall, made me feel totally unfit!
Then it was on up to Oban to help the choir lear yet another Gaelic song with about 40 verses about gloom and doom! Home but via my cousin to pick up my misbehaving laptop finally home at 1145pm!
Now sitting with a large Gaelic coffee watchin g the furore about the poor Pope wanting to retire...so what! I dont want to work till Im 80 odds!
Couldnt get a picture so here are my wee friends that sit on my laptop and keep me company when Im busy ranting!
Happy blipping all

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