It's only when something stops working that you miss it.
I had the classic shower room fall this morning. My left foot stepped on to the supposedly stable mat and it slipped leaving me to fall on my left outstretched arm across the doorway.
The thump brought his Lordship in to see what all the noise was about. When I said I had fallen and couldn't raise my right arm at all without extreme pain, he asked me what Sunday papers I wanted. Mmm I thought, that doesn't bode well.
However when he realised that it was painful enough to leave me unable to dress, he came to the rescue and strapped me into garments that men usually find more interesting to unstrap.
I haven't broken anything but have done some unknown damage to muscles or tendons in my upper arm that allow me to raise my arm and perform any meaningful tasks with my right hand and arm. I have become a left hander in one fell fall stroke.
We are having our Glasgow family through for lunch, and instead of making the soup this morning, I uncharacteristically made it last night at 10pm. Now I'm wondering if fate had it all planned out from the start.
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