All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Bath time fun for the cousins

Ethan is on a roll - 7.45am wake up from him this morning! It was my day off today and hubbie was working from home, so we were able to take full advantage of his lie in and slept till that time ourselves too!

Ethan didn't really understand the concept of "no you can't play with Daddy because he's on the phone to a customer" though. Good job we had a playdate with Missus B and Lucinda at soft play this morning so we could get out the house! It's his 3rd time at soft play this week - lucky boy!

He was knackered when we got home though and hardly ate any lunch. I chanced putting him down in his cot for a nap and after 15 minutes of crying he fell asleep for an hour.

Just as we were getting ready to go out to Sainsbury's in the afternoon, Granny & Grandpa arrived, so Granny ended up coming with us. When we got back to the house, Foreveryoung , Mr Foreveryoung and Eden were there too, so they joined us for dinner.

In fact, we ended up bathing Eden and Ethan together, before loaning Eden one of Ethan's old sleepsuits and sleeping bags so she could go home, ready for bed.

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