All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Grannie and her Grandchildren

As today is Friday, Grannie & Grandpa were on "Ethan duty". He got off to a great start by having ANOTHER lie-in. Till 8am today - fabulous! I was working from home again today so had started work before he had even woken up!

He was a wee star for Grannie & Grandpa. They went to Bounce & Tickle in East Calder, a big shopping trip round Sainsburys and had lots of playtime at home. And I hardly heard a peep out of him the whole day. I think he forgot I was even in the house!

Foreveryoung, Mr Foreveryoung and Eden came over in the afternoon and stayed for dinner again. As last nights bathtime was success we bathed the children together again this evening before the Foreveryoungs headed back home.

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