All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Iggle Piggles Light

Last night something unheard of happened. I had my first 8 hours consecutive sleep since Ethan was born! And he slept 12 hours, till 7.35am without a peep! Woo hoo! It's just as well I was working from home today otherwise I would have had to wake him up earlier than that. As it was, it was a mad dash to get him ready for nursery and then back to the house in time for me to start work.

I did overtime tonight so hubbie picked Ethan up, did bath etc. Ethan spotted me in the computer room just as he was about to go to bed, so we had lovely cuddles before he went through to his room. When I checked up on him later, he was still clutching his "iggle piggle light". However, Iggle Piggle himself was abandoned at the opposite end of his cot!

Edited to say - oops - I thought tomorrow was my 3rd anniversary blipday but looks like it's today!

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