She's behind you, no she's clearly in front of you

Ok so 2012 is as they might say off to a bit of a racer, fireworks on the hill, a party waiting for a drum and bass dj/OAP, a trip to the beach, 10 pin bowling, a minor wind thing across Scotland as we are getting used to them and today, yes the pantomime.

We were invited to the bar for a drink before the show started only to arrive late and then have everyone laugh at us and the cast sing a song about our tardiness. All very drole I must say but nothing compared to child #2 who was up on stage twice saving Cinderella.

Having an inside contact who also very kindly showed us round the back stage was obviously doing my street cred some good. But as our eldest pointed out on the way home, a girl in her year at school is really lucky to have a cool Dad who is in pantomimes. Too true.

Oh and we were back at work today, great, oh no it wasn't.

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