Hardly surprising this remains on the market

I was awoken this morning by a thundering noise, not near by but up in the skies. If my life were a Hollywood blockbuster, clouds would have been bashed miles above as I lay below worried. However, my life is not thankfully such a film, it is a small independent art house affair, where not much happens and no one truly understands what is going on.

So after the 'freak weather' of last year, which kind of went well with the 'freak' weather of the year before, we have some more 'freak' weather to deal with. It is mild but bins are blown down the street and no dust is allowed to settle. I think I might get in to my white vest, Bruce Willis Die Hard style to go out and save a bin or two. Who said the independent Art House film is dead? No wonder then that we never have any occupants in here.

Oh and this morning I read something resembling a book/pamphlet. New Year's resolution #2 off to a good start.

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