Club 107

By club107

Anyone for cornflakeychocobuttersugar cake?

The official end of the festive holiday, for me at any rate, but it was such a good day, I don't feel that bad. We have sunk into a leisurely lazy mode, little seen but oh so welcome. Today we emerged very slowly at around 9am, so much for an earlier start. Breakfast, fridge freezer purchasing, general tidying you possibly know and live the same drill.

Number 1 son seemingly unimpressed with our securing of the kitchen, he is making enormous progress. The daughters played outside today, second day running, braver than I would have thought but so nice for them to take their little troop of friends, Mungo, funny brother, fairy, blondie into the garden. Oh the spring won't be long! And that is an order.

So apart from anything else, it was time for Madame to make some cornflakey chocolate sugar and butter combo style cake with child #2. If I were a millionaire, I do not do the lottery so there is little chance of that happening, I would do stuff like this every single day. Or maybe I'd pay someone to do it. No I think I'd rather do it myself. One of my mottos is surely a bit of a twist on an old familiar favourite, do unto others only as you would expect done unto yourself. Here endeth the lesson.

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