The rest of forever...

By DrMac

All mapped out

After another night of eleven hours of sleep (yes, we did this EVERY night!!) we headed north for a monster trek to Dobhan at 2520m. It wasn't a simple climb, with many descents before we were climbed back up and higher and higher. The weather was fine, as it was every day - we enjoyed the warmth when we walked in the sun and then froze our arses off in the shade! We stopped at Chomrong for soup and then treked on hard to Dobhan. At every small village one of these signs is erected to show the trekers the way ahead and alleged times from village to village. In the popular months, Oct/Nov and March/April these paths are filled with trekers on their way to Annapurna Base Camp. However, this time of year is considered too cold so we were pretty much on our own each day - my idea of bliss!! Anyway, we ignored the times on the boards after a while as we were stomping along at nearly double the speed!

Another early bed as we had a big day ahead - all the way to Machhapuchhre Base Camp to dump our kit and then a sprint up to ABC!!

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