The rest of forever...

By DrMac

You're kidding...

Forgot to mention...Paul broke the camera yesterday...!!! Dropped it and smashed the lens filter, showering the lens in tiny shards of glass. Oops (I was actually quite calm!). Anyway, it will need to go to the nice people at Nikon when we get home, I'm glad it is insured!

Today we treked from Pothana to Jhinu, weaving our way up the mountains through Tolka and Landruk, where we stopped for Dhal soup. We were due to walk a shorter distance but realised that we walk at twice the speed the guide had planned in our itinerary, so we doubled the distance and got moving! We were passed by some horses and many porters, all carrying supplies up the mountain to the tea houses and lodges. It is awe inspiring to see how much weight these little guys can carry, with a simple strap across their foreheads to secure the load in place.

When we got to Jhinu we had a shower (solar heated too, luxury!) and wrapped up warm for the late afternoon. At our meal we were joined by these two little ones, snuggled up comfy on a chair! I kid you not!

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