Proper crimbo 6.... lets face it...
this was never going to be a short series,I lied... yes... I lied to you all... it was done in a wily fashion,to hook you in... to see if you would be blinded by cake chat and forget the series was going to be very bloody long and perhaps a little irritating ;) HAHAHAH AHAHHAHAHAHAAHHAHA <<< evil twisted laughter.
I have meat sweats.... been to my Mother in laws for a full turkey dinner,actually cooked by Ben my little brother in law,he is an amazing cook,but Dee peeled the potatoes ;) and we had pavlova.
My MIL lives IN the very centre of town,she looks out over the town lights,each street is different.... as a tourist town we get an awful lot spent on the lights and I for one LOVE THEM... except they have not done the main reason people come here.. THE ROYAL SHAKESPEARE THEATRE... ??? it looks as bland and shit as ever... stupid tits.
Anyway,we get three trees,this one at the bottom of town... one in the middle I blipped the other night with the 3 stooges stood in front of it and one just by my MIL's front door,her home dates back to the 17th century....... the front part... will blip soon xxx
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