Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Misty hillock ...

Look at this... it is a pea soup of a dog walk... can you see Monty he is staring into the mist ready to pounce...... he didn't pounce mind,we gave him a 'treat' otherwise he shoots off to 'round people up' and when you see Monty hurtling toward you it is quite scary UNLESS you know him in which case you realise that he will gum you to death as lots of his teeth were ripped out before my friend Jacqui rescued him.
Pepé has been bored witless,so I did what the vet suggested and took him on a small walk,this did the trick he was much more settled when we got home,he looks butchered and loads of people of course stop and ask what happened,I got a bit bored with telling the proper story so when this really pompous man asked and also grimaced as he looked at my little Prince I told him 'I drop kicked him as we ran out of rugby balls' I did follow it up after the silence that followed with a 'nahhh not really,his eye was jiggered' .... I am hoping that dog walker never stops to chat again as I did not care for his tone.

Snack Wednesday tomorrow,I can't wait to see my mum x

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