Catching the bus

Our morning date with the cafe turned into an afternoon one. Which meant it was nighttime (at 4.30pm) by the time we caught the bus home again...

A late morning after a very very bad night. Charley was fine; Ben was very very unsettled. Cried a lot, needed a lot of cuddles, wanted me but I was dealing with Charley (typical) every time he needed me. I think the enormity of Charley's presence is sinking in. He's desperate to know that he's still my boy, that he's not being displaced.

Steve had to rush out to move the car before we got another ticket, I was left in bed with a baby attached to me. The doorbell rang. If that was Steve saying he'd left his house key he was going to be in so much trouble.... thankfully for him it was the midwife who obviously knows enough about new mums to not bat an eyelid when they appear half asleep at the door with babe in arms obviously just crawled out of bed!!

Charley has now almost regained his birth weight - he is now 3820g (about 8lb 7oz I think) which is only an ounce off. Hurrah for da booby milk!! ;0). And we are officially signed off, and discharged into the care of the Health Visiting team - one of which I get to see in the morning!

Supermarket delivery arrived two hours early - they knocked on, having just done a delivery for someone down the road and thought if we were in and able to accept the delivery they might as well, save themselves a trip back as well. Good thinking! Shame I didn't put milk on the order - by the time I'd had weetabix and the boys had had hot chocolates there was no milk left and I was left without a caffeinated drink.

We figured we'd try and go to the cafe before lunch but by the time we'd got most of ourselves together it was lunchtime and I was getting grumpier by the minute without my coffee. We opted to stay in for lunch, sensibly. Lunch took a long time but by 3 we were finally heading out the door at which point Charley was sick in the mobywrap. Not enough to warrant sorting out other than mopping up thankfully so we didn't delay too long!

Got to the cafe. Steve ordered drinks for me and Ben and a cake for me and headed off to the Parking Shop to sort out our residents' parking permit at last. I got unwrapped and did a blood test wondering why I was feeling so light-headed to discover a 2.8 hypo going on. At which point Ben decides to start drawing on the tables in crayon, and tipping the crayons out of the tub onto the chairs and floor. I was on the verge on breakdown when coffee and chocolate brownie and hot chocolate (with mini marshmallows yippee!) arrived to save the day!

Steve got back and took control of Ben and then.... then somebody started playing the piano.

I was in heaven!! Oh my goodness. And whoever it was, was good. Very good. The waiter who brought Steve's coffee over said it was the chef, who regularly comes out and plays on his breaks - and then said with a grin that he was far too good :0)

Jazz and ragtime standards... oh it was wonderful. Discovered through the power of facebook that the pianist/chef is someone who used to come to our church, and played at a friend's wedding as well! What a small world. Made me long for when I can finally have space for my keyboard, and I can start practising again.

Home via doctors' surgery to drop off the letter informing them of Charley's birth (that was Steve and Ben) while I headed to Tesco for bits for dinner (and milk, for more coffee. Priorities.). Home, jacket potatoes and brie (I can eat brie again! Yippee!!) and bacon and cranberry with salad, Ben to bed, everything going swimmingly, and yet still we're only heading to bed ourselves by 11.30pm which of course by the time Ben is re-settled (by Steve, because I was attached to Charley again, at least we were in bed though) turns into 1am... Steve took Ben into the front bedroom on a clock-hunt, and was a bit shocked that it appeared to be about 2am. And then relieved when he came and plugged his phone in and discovered that was the one clock we'd not adjusted when the clocks went back!

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