
These poor feet - they're slowly recovering from all the heelpricks they've endured. I think they're slowly regaining something akin to a normal skin colour as well, as opposed to an awful bruised purply-grey.

We made it to church today! Steve went out early to do PA, and took Ben downstairs to watch TV to let me and Charley have a bit more sleep. Of course Charley woke up and wanted feeding and then didn't want to stop and I didn't want to get up anyway but eventually I did manage to get him to let go and did get out of bed. Ben came upstairs to see me when I was on the loo, and then as I was finished he went off downstairs and bump bump bounce crash thud waaaaaaaaaaa............

I don't think I've run down those stairs faster in the whole time we've been here.

Thankfully when I got to the bottom wondering whether or not I ought to be moving Ben or not, I asked him where it hurt and he pointed to just below his nose and then to his knees.

And then, after a big big cuddle he limped off to watch TV again.

I was left in a bit of a freaked-out heap at the bottom of the stairs, shaking and crying!!! He did come back to give me a cuddle at least.... My goodness but that scared me.

Anyway we gave up on getting to church in time for the main meeting, and decided to aim for getting there for coffee afterwards to at least say hello to people.

It worked, we had breakfast without stressing, and I managed to get myself and both boys dressed (Charley wasn't difficult, seeing as he didn't need a change of clothes) and out of the house and into the car and then just as I sat down gingerly into the drivers' seat "mummy I need a wee"


So back out of the car and if Ben could be hopping in his carseat I am sure he would be and there's no way we'd've made it back into the house so for the second time in a week I had to help him squat down by the side of the car to relieve himself. We appear to be getting a bit accomplished at this.

And that was before church!

Lovely to see people, and Charley got lots of cuddles too :) We were shown to an available chair and went and sat down as the meeting wasn't over yet, and Ben climbed onto my knee to start with. Then he wanted to find Daddy so he climbed down and as he turned to go round the back of the room to find Daddy a familiar voice yelled "BEN!" and Ede ran to catch him up :) Bless her Christina took them both out into the corridors so they could run around together yelling happily!
Ben missed out on hot chocolate at the end as he was playing with his friends, so I kind of promised him we'd go to a cafe for hot chocolate and marshmallows. Thankfully Steve was on a similar kind of wavelength and had already been thinking of going to Steyning to the Tea Rooms for lunch. When Ben was born we celebrated me getting out of hospital by going out for lunch to the tea rooms - Ben was 9 days old. Charley was 9 days old today and we took him to see the girls there :) They know us pretty well even though we're not really regulars, and they always comment on Ben's growing up. They were delighted to meet Charley!

Lovely lunch, Charley slept almost the whole time, Ben was charming and noisy and well behaved, we had a lovely afternoon :)

Ben and Charley both fell asleep on the way home so we took the opportunity to call in at the shops. Steve went in while I stayed in the car with two sleeping boys. Got another mirror so we can keep an eye on Charley as well as Ben which is nice.

Home and picked up my phone which I'd left on the sofa before getting out to church to find a dinner invitation! Hurrah :) So off we went again and spent a lovely evening with Chris and Halil and their two boys. And now it's very very very very very very late again and I hope we wake up before the midwife gets here tomorrow.... Day 10 tomorrow (well, today really) (in about 25 minutes Charley will be 10 days old) and care is being transferred to the Health Visiting team who I've not yet met from this area!

Exciting :)

I'm going to need a fair bit of coffee tomorrow I think.



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