Reindeer cards: stage 1

We skived our regular Wednesday group this morning. We need to go to bed earlier... once these blessed cards are packaged! But, all cards finally assembled, and left to dry. Hurrah. And then I mixed brown paint to do Ben's Christmas cards. Brown is difficult. It wasn't right but it did the job. I don't get how kids can manage to mix brown so effortlessly. Turns out for a grownup it's quite a skill :-/ Anyway paint mixed, Ben graciously did 30 odd handprints for me to turn into reindeer later.

No time for lunch, and off out to our new Wednesday group, a homeschoolers' network group. Which WAS on today. And it was lovely! Not many there, so perfect for Ben to not be overwhelmed, and few enough for me to chat to almost everyone for a bit, even with chasing an excited Charley. We even sat and kinda of did the craft together, me and Charley. We've made a card and a cracker for Ben for Christmas. He blobbed some orange crayon on before running off with the crayons trying to eat them. Ben had a ball, literally! It was so good for him to have the space and security to pretty much just run around for two hours. He even made some new friends, and roped them in to playing Tree Fu Tom! Kinda sad that this is only once a fortnight.

From the group we headed to the supermarket for more bits for Christmas presents (and coffee - we'd run out of decaf this morning, my morning was not happy...), poor Ben said he was using Big World Magic to keep the wee in, bless him - there was a lot of traffic at 4pm as we tried to get down to Asda! We've bought more jars for cocoa mixes, pretty aquamarine baubles to get handprints on (must see how well my white poster paint adheres to the baubles BEFORE enlisting the boys' hands), and more fruit for another batch of citrus tea. Mainly because I would like a batch as well!

Was so hungry by the time we got home, and after getting the washing up done and dealing with the boys I was almost ready to implode. A whole mozzarella ball, most of a pepper and a huge amount of hummous later and I felt better. Blood sugar was top end of acceptable so couldn't have carbs without injecting, and it was too close to dinner to bother injecting. Bother this diabetes. Roll on January, and going cold-turkey on the insulin and getting back onto tablets for six months, and hopefully six months of being able to eat what I like, when I want.

This evening I've finally got all the cards packaged, so tomorrow on the way to our softplay date we can call at the Post Office...... Oh who am I trying to kid. We'll call in on the way home to post out the orders!

Been a tough day. Bickered quite a lot with Steve, both of us tired and frustrated with work, not feeling like either of us has the time or space or freedom to get on with what we need to do. Glad though that even though we've bickered that we've still hugged, still been able to smile at each other, still enjoyed each others' company this evening catching up with Masterchef. And he made me hot chocolate with milk heated in a pan rather than the microwave - and it tastes SO much better!! Little things :D

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