
We went down to Alresford to visit the dear Old Bird, but she wasn't feeling too good so we couldn't persuade her to come out for lunch. On our way back through Farnham we called in at the Maltings to see the ceramics show, particularly the excellent work of my, erm, sister-in-law's brother-in-law. Does that have a name? Brother-in-law twice removed? Anway, we bought a v nice pot from him, which will doubtless feature in a desperation blip before long. We also called in at the Hogs Back micro-brewery, which has a beer shop - mmm!

In the evening there was a band reunion of the infamous Vacant Lot at Paul and Anne's house. There was much good food (and that beer), much blether on a wide range of topics and lots of music - I think I even heard D playing the mandolin at one stage.

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