
By skaterg1rl

phew. that's done then. blimey me hands smell of aftershave and i think mr skaterg1rl is needing me to make a trip to superdrug

100 days ago, i bought the list magazine to see what was happening and by happy co-incidence it was the issue featuring blip. i am a great one for making life changing plans and then wandering off to do something else instead so am mildly surprised i've made my 100th blip.

i'd just like to thank my family, blip chums and all the little people whose names i can't be bothered to know who you are. i'm going to have to sit down now in a quiet corner and compose myself.

went to work by mistake but got away again albeit feeling uptight. went to eat soup with j.e.m. and ended up watching paint dry...literally. it was quite soothing. found a knitting chum in the playground. bought my kids affection with sweets and assured the continuing appalling health statistics in the west of scotland by letting them eat crisps and chips too.

now...what am i going to blip tomorrow....?

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