
By skaterg1rl

am not sure that i am totally comfortable around horses. they're just a lot bigger than me.

carpet biter1 and her pal went for a ride in the sun. carpet biter2 went to play with his first best friend - also male - apparently they want to live in a house together when they grow up and when they want to have babies, they're going to borrow some girls. it's a plan with some definite merits.

mr skaterg1rl did his third day running of diy virtue. i thrashed around the house trying to find the all purpose mega glue so that i could make a small contribution by sticking a door knob on but with no luck. made a pom pom instead which looked emaciated. felt useful by cooking three meals at once at teatime.

now need to negotiate about the fact that i've borrowed capote from blockbuster and we've already seen it but i wanted to see it again because i've just read the book - but he hasnt, so he doesnt. fair enough.

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