
Amazingly, Ben has actually put his drumsticks down today, to play with the train tracks that he and Daddy built last night!! He's actually asked for the Kodo drummers DVD to be stopped so he can play trains!

Quite astonishing. And a relief for my ears ;0)

Our big adventure today was a bus ride to the supermarket and back - yes I know it does sound rather dull but it's an adventure for Ben and it's a major piece of activity for me and I'm quite proud of the two of us for making it there and back without any stress whatsoever!

I did manage to forget the cheques I was supposed to pay into the bank (if I'd made it into town afterwards) and the prescription request that I should have dropped off at the surgery on the way home, but, you know, little things.

We did the shopping.

That's an achievement in my book!

We've had stir-fry for dinner and Ben chose to have pasta and cheese sauce instead which is ok by me; and now Steve and Stuart are putting plasterboard up in what is to be our bedroom. They've already taken a load of crumbling ceiling down. That feeling of having just got on top of the dust situation.... *sigh* I had to race upstairs and move the drying laundry to safety and shut the bedroom and bathroom doors. Incredibly, Steve actually didn't expect there to be that much dust. You really think he would know better by now!!! There's also still a couple of holes going down from that bedroom into the kitchen, so there's been a bit of a fall of rubble through them as well. Nothing major, but it did sound worse than it actually looks. It ought to clean up fairly easily tomorrow.

Somehow I've got to get Ben to bed now, through the dust and noise.....

We've just had a game of rugby (Ben's rules) in the living room. It caught me by surprise. We were throwing his mini rugby ball to each other - he's practising catching - and then he said he had to throw it, and then run. Ok said I, unsuspecting like. And he threw the ball, and then ran at me (reclining on the sofa) and rugby tackled me to get the ball back!! I have since decided that tickling is allowed in Ben's Rules rugby. Ha. I enjoyed that a lot :) The drumsticks and the rugby ball have now gone to bed and 5 minutes ago I said Ben could have another final minute playing with his trains before we had to get pyjamas on..... at least he's chilled out a bit now after our giggle-fest playing rugby!!

In other news, I finally ordered a copy of "Adventures in Tandem Nursing" as I can't see it happening any other way now. Ben is as determined as ever to stay a nursling, and it'll not be long before I have another, teeny tiny, nursling as well..... What a fascinating read though. I opened it at random (happened to be chapter 2) and found myself thinking oh my word, how familiar does that sound!! I Was so relieved to find I wasn't the only nursing pregnant mama feeling the way I do.

Hope our trip out to the shop today hasn't finished me off for the next couple of days.

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