November already!

And we're still in teeshirts to come home from tots... Wow it's warm out when the sun shines.

Before we got out of bed this morning (still tired - last night's DIY put paid to the whole idea of being early to anything this week: Stuart came round and was helping Steve take bits of ceiling down in what will be our bedroom, and putting plasterboard up over the really bad patches and new bits of wall and ceiling. So Ben didn't go to bed until nearly 10pm....) Ben was having his usual cuddles and Baby decided to have a poke around. He really shoved a foot or a hand or something out of the side of my belly and Ben was fascinated to see it! He touched it and Baby quickly withdrew - made Ben jump :D But then Ben wanted more and so did Baby and they spent a little while playing with each other, touching hands (or foot) and Ben giggled and grinned :D My two boys, playing together already! Total heart-melting stuff :D

Ben wasn't too keen on going out this morning, he would have preferred to stay in and drum but the possibility of seeing Hayley was too much for him and he ran to choose clothes out of his drawers! He wanted his "number" teeshirt but I can't find it anywhere. Not in the laundry, not on the drying racks, not in his changing bag - a mystery. He declared another teeshirt (it was the same colour at least) to be his number teeshirt and that was ok. I'm not going to disabuse him of the notion. We didn't see Hayley in the end as she wasn't at tots (I didn't really expect her to be but didn't say that to Ben!) but Ben did learn some new skills today while we were there.

One was how to use scissors.

I showed him how to hold them, and he spent nearly 15 minutes cutting bits of card into tiny pieces while I stuck stickers onto his hand-spider thing that we made. He was happy, I was happy, it was a win-win situation! Now it's time to hide ALL the scissors in the house so they are out of sight and out of reach.

The other was how to walk on stilts! They were basically upturned buckets with string handles but the look of concentration on his face when he was walking with them was priceless :0)

So, all in all, today so far has been really quite lovely. Ben's watched a bit of Kodo, done a bit of drumming, played with his trainset, eaten crumpet and apple and cereal with milk, shared cake with me, had his hands drawn around, cut with scissors, walked on stilts, chosen a ball of ribbon at the post office thinking it was an egg (we did have a giggle at his insistence that it was a chocolate egg), posted Katie's present at last, and now the trainset is in pieces and we're going to watch another DVD and I wonder if I'll be allowed to doze off for a while!

Doesn't it make such a difference when the sun shines and the rooms are flooded with light. Ben has actually WANTED to pose for me today! Well, sort of. On his terms. But his terms have been quite agreeable to be honest and we enjoyed taking these pictures!

Happy Tuesday everybody :)

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