Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Dawn at Castlerigg Stone Circle

This morning the dawn shoot was at Castlerigg Stone Circle, near Keswick. We were there in the dark, wandering around the field to find the stones and avoid the cow pats. I followed the light from the LEDs on my cap, to find myself well off course - I had the cap on at an angle!

We managed to set up the tripods and our night vision kicked in so we were ready as the light came. Just as we were starting the first long exposures a tall figure appeared on the far side of the circle and walked slowly through. He wasn't slow enough to appear as a ghostly figure in anyone's images. He sat down against one of the rocks, facing the direction of the sunrise, and remained motionless for over half an hour. He did not reply when we greeted him.

Then he stood up and walked slowly to the edge of the circle, which is when I shot this image. He walked slowly away without acknowledging the ring of photographers. I hope we did not disturb his peace.

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