Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Boiled egg and soldiers... well,don't mind if I do

So day two of both girls at home,they are no trouble,I just have to remember to feed them ;)
good grief it is chilly.. OR IS IT.. if we were in March now after a cold snap we would all be remarking how it is positively sub tropical.... you know what us Brits are like....
finished the second coat to the small section of stupid woodwork.
Will make some cakes as it is my Mums birthday tomorrow.

Now listen up I want to have a rant.. you know how Sparky Marky the blipper has a series of things that get up his nose,well I want to start a series....

My first one is how people react when I say that I DO NOT DRINK WINE... I loathe the stuff,I don't really drink alcohol at all to be honest,so why do people behave as if I tell them THEY have a terminal illness when I say 'no thanks,I don't drink wine,and may I have a lemonade please' .... if I had a pound for ever person who had behaved in a shocked manner I tell you readers I would have THOUSANDS of pounds !!! Its really annoying,seriously PISS OFF... what the hell does it matter,and it does seem to matter as I have known people go on and on and on and even get me to 'try' the wine they are drinking...imagine this...'but Jane EVERYONE loves wine' ... 'no,no,I don't'
'but EVERYONE likes a glass of wine'... 'NO REALLY .. FUCK OFF go away quickly..' ...'but you will love this 1967 blahh de ballhh de blahh dirty pants worth £50.00 its like velvet' ... 'no,and if you ask me again I am going to take the bottle and SMASH IT OVER YOUR HEAD' .....
You may think I am being a little dramatic,but I can assure you all it seems to get up peoples noses the fact I choose to be the driver,and also one of my husbands bosses actually got angry once when Mr W said he did not really drink,he accused him of not being a team player .... humans are fucking cuckoo...... and tomorrow I am going to go on about 'social kissing' .....

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