Just the Withers......

By JaneW

My Mums birthday today..

So we tormented looked after her .....and my cakes were a triumph !! because my Mum said so,so there :D they were jolly moist as I used some freshly squeezed orange juice and also grated orange peel in it ...THEN I made STIFF peaks as the icing,using a very annoying and mess making method of whisking fresh orange juice and egg white and icing sugar over simmering water and my hand held whisk died after 15 minutes and burnt out in my hand,and then I dropped it.. MESS EVERYWHERE.. cannot use the big machine as you have to have a glass bowl over a saucepan...I fell out of love with the topping.. AFTER I had eaten loads.Alls well that ends well .....
(by the way my Mum HATES her photo taken which is why she is hiding... and also we have a rare photo of my eldest Zoe holding Jake,who is slapping me in the chops)

Right... my rant of today is social kissing... please for the love of god/pete/anyone's name you want to insert ...DO NOT LUNGE AND KISS ME ON THE CHEEK... not when we greet not when we part.... I HATE my space invaded,I do NOT ever need a hug,I don't even want anyone to pat my arm.
If you do like it,I am pleased for you.... BUT LIKE THE WINE YESTERDAY DON'T ACT SHOCKED WHEN I RECOIL AND SAY 'NOOOOOOOOOOO KISSING' ... shake my hand.
I realise they do loads of air kissing abroad,I realise the French greet each other like this as second nature and I hear that in upper class circles you kind of kiss the air 12 inches from someones face... yeah... DO NOT DO IT TO ME...
All my friends know this,they would no sooner touch me than eat their own pets.In fact 75% are not up for this social kissing malarky either..
So now for the disclaimers... 1.I don't care if you like it,if you do that is really sweet and I have no interest,you can kiss yourself stupid.
2.this does NOT apply to Mr W ... he gets and gives loads of kisses.
3.this does NOT apply to the children or my grandson......

and now you can see why I am called Janet Street Porter by some of the girls.... she is my idol.. she hates social kissing :D and other stuff.

Tomorrow,supermarkets...... and why for 5 years I have had my food delivered... the police sleep easier knowing this.

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