Just a tiny pick up please....
Just one more.....
Sadie to be fair for such a young dog does keep up for ages,and then at the end of our 3 miler she just pleaded and had a little whine... so I carried her for a few yards and then my dog walking pal Jacqui wrestled her off me,she loves my pooches.
I took Bobby dog home covered in mud again today,and stupidly Wiggy had bathed him last night,I told her we were off to Oversley woods which is a bog pit of fun.....
Just gotten back from helping at the HELL that is the school disco.... 3/4 of the kids are please and thank you polite and the rest need reminding,I find that quite disgusting.It's not an excuse being shy,if you can ask for a drink you can add please !!!!!!! I have no problem reminding them at all........ if their parents wish to discuss it with me feel free.... I was amazed at how many look offended when you remind their spawn about manners........ I don't do offended it's a stupid word bandied about by wallies.
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