
I am suitably amazed: Ben has actually co-operated with me to do this picture!! I don't know though. Blipcentral you have a lot to answer for. I actually mopped the floor this morning to take this, and actually baked last night in preparation. I blame you entirely ;0) I was going to create a montage of various pictures I've taken around this collection of bits and bobs, but I kinda like this. Mussed up hair, pyjamas, damaged floor and all. The rest of the set are here if you want a look! Ben's now eaten his piece of blipday cake AND my piece - I baked it last night, using the easiest recipe I could find (and it still exhausted me!), and although Ben seems to like it I think next time I will melt some butter rather than use vegetable oil in it like it suggested...

S2 said it a lot better than I could on his 1500th entry earlier this week. The reasons why I blip have evolved over the past 500 days. First it was the challenge of actually doing something for 10 days in a row (to lose my "L" plates!). Then it was about the challenge of keeping that up - not missing a day. Then it became about the contacts - the comments, the views, seeing if I could hit the "spotlight" on occasion. Then for quite a while it became mainly about letting family keep up to date with how we were getting on - both sets of parents live 250 miles away so it's not so easy for them to pop round to see us! It's developed into simply a journal, documenting life on a daily basis. I can barely remember yesterday let alone last week or last year so this is invaluable for me personally. I've never kept a journal for this long, or even anywhere NEAR this long before! Part of the reason is the community here, who read and comment and encourage. Part of the reason is that it's such an easy site to use! It's easy, and then it sucks you in and gets you addicted before you're even aware what's happening.... ;0) Good job Joe and the Blipfoto team, it's a winning combination!!

As usual thankyou for dropping by, even if you don't leave a comment ;0) It's been lovely making friends, and seeing what different people are getting up around the world! Tomorrow is going to be a busy day so as usual I imagine it will be an iPhone blip hahahaha :D

So. Not much to report yet for today other than a MUCH better night for both of us. Ben woke up when Steve sent me a text at 7am - he'd sent one at 5.30am asking if I wanted to Skype but of course I missed that, being asleep! He'd miscalculated the time difference :0) We both decided we missed daddy, and had missing-daddy-cuddles before getting up. He then declared that he was daddy-rabbit, I was mummy-rabbit, and my special bunnyrabbit soft toy was Ben-rabbit. And we ALL had to go to the bathroom, and we ALL had to use the big toilet. I was hopping by the time it was my turn!!!

We've had a lovely relaxed breakfast, and are looking forward to a few people coming round this afternoon to strip wallpaper in what will be our bedroom. And another lovely girl is cooking dinner for us tonight as well! We are being looked after, we really are. I guess it'll hit me in the morning - Saturday - that Steve's not around but for now it's almost normal. He goes to work before Ben and I get up usually, and I've only had to cook dinner for one once so far. Being able to talk to him helps lots too.

Suppose I'd better go and get us dressed now, and have some lunch - folk are coming round in an hour!!

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