Screme Egg

Popped in to the shop on the way back from dropping off a load of sheets at the laundrette to dry, had a £4 voucher and managed to spend £3.49 on groceries so was forced to buy a screme egg to make up the difference. For some reason I wasn't actually expecting Ben to like it. But he did. And he was actually willing to show me the green inside of the egg - it didn't faze him at all, he won't eat eggs so doesn't know they're supposed to have a yellow yolk! There's another one sitting on the table. It's actually calling out to me. I really really don't like creme eggs either...

Been a bit of a mixed day today. Ok, a LOT of a mixed day. Thankfully the end of the day (at least, so far) has been FAR better than the start. I was very sick last night before bed and went to bed feeling sorry for myself, then Ben for some reason didn't tell me that he needed a wee in the night and ended up wetting MY bed pretty badly. Had just enough energy to pile on a load of cloth nappies and towels over the wet patch, and get Ben changed into clean pyjamas, before collapsing us both back into bed. And then I couldn't get back to sleep so lost out on an hour's sleep before bed and two hours this morning.

I was not full of beans this morning. Ben wasn't either. He ended up coming with me to the dentist, with my mum, because he wasn't willing to be anywhere where I wasn't. So I was forced to be a brave girl at the dentist! Thankfully my new dentist has turned out to be a very lovely lady who seems to have actually read my notes, and was VERY gentle with me. I've got a temporary filling in one tooth, and have instructions to go back after baby is born to get proper fillings done here there and everywhere - but at least I can eat on one side of my mouth safely without getting food stuck in the hole and causing pain!

When we got home dad had done some more sorting out for me so I could actually get to all the various storage things piled up in the extended living room. Mum and dad left to go home fairly soon after, and Ben refused to say goodbye to either of them. He has really loved seeing his grandparents this past few weeks. It's helped me a lot as well having them here a couple of days after Steve went off, so I didn't feel bereft all of a sudden. I cried when they left though. Ben stroked my nose again and said it's ok mum... and then demanded to go down the street to wave 'bye to them properly! He still refused to wave when we got to their car but he blew them a kiss which was sweet, and said he'd miss them.

This afternoon I've been productive! Managed to get the sheets off the bed laundered and dried and back on again, collected a prescription, been shopping (admittedly these only took two trips down the road to the local shops but still, it's almost more exercise than I've done all week!) AND played with Ben. He managed to have a less-than-five-minute sleep. My fault - I tried to put him in the buggy rather than into his bed once he was asleep and he woke up... so he had a long cuddle with me after, but didn't go back to sleep.

We skyped Daddy when he was back at his hotel ready to go to bed, and Ben actually decided he wanted to talk to him this time! They had some funny conversations. Ben kept coming back to me shouting that he wanted to talk to daddy and each time it was something random. That he was drumming, and liked drumming because he did; that I had buttons on my top; that he had bumped his head (he had just bashed his head with one of his drumsticks - I'm ever hopeful that he'll learn to be a bit more careful); that he'd just been upside down. Steve told me he'd also said yes to a lot of questions - like, had he been looking after mummy, giving her lots of cuddles, that he'd be home soon. I can't remember the other things he told me he'd asked Ben. Then Ben wanted to say goodnight to daddy, and told him he loved him :) It was prompted but Ben will only say things that he agrees to saying anyway! It was lovely seeing that Ben wanted to talk to his daddy though. I love Skype. What a modern wonder that bit of software is. Keeping us in touch with Steve while he's half the world away. Only a week to go now.

Since then I have cooked dinner - and given Ben far too many bribes to actually get him to let me cook, so he wasn't interested in eating anything but instead chose to go upstairs "working". I decided that until I heard bad noises, I was going to let him get on with it... turns out that Daddy's toolkit hadn't been put away and Ben was going through it. Ah well. We have found and replaced all the tools. And Ben is now in bed - having actually had his teeth cleaned, his face and hands washed, and his feet wiped down with a cloth.

I promise I will give my little urchin a bath tomorrow.


500th blip tomorrow. Am feeling the pressure. (From Blipcentral as well!!) I've managed to buy a red balloon for each major blipday so far, but for tomorrow I have a serious lack of red balloonage. However. One of today's efforts was to clear out my baking cupboard and get rid of all the out-of-date stuff - some of which was never-opened ready roll coloured royal icing so I have been having a play with that this evening. Can't let a double-balloon day go by without some red balloonage, can I..... just got to dream up a decent blip to go with them now!! Was actually contemplating making a blipday cake. I may yet. I haven't had cake in a while. Just don't tell the diabetes nurses that I'm going to make cake - I have to phone them tomorrow to let them know how my sugars are doing.....

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