
As we walked home from church today Ben asked if we could go to the shop to buy a chocolate donut for lunch. I said no and he got upset. So I suggested we make our own! I was sure I'd seen a recipe recently for mini donuts. He agreed, as long as they coukd have chocolate on top, and chocolate sprinkles.

It was a deal.

So I made donuts when we got home. I had seen a recipe, it was in a book of mexican recipes, and these mini donuts are called buñuenos. And they worked!! I made the dough, Steve cooked them, and then he and Ben set up a production line for topping them with nutella and grated chocolate.

Best lunch :D

Sammy's birthday party after lunch, they had an entertainer called Mr Pumpkin who Ben was terrified of and hugely curious about in equal measure. The other kids all loved him though!! Ended up staying ages after everyone else had gone, Ben and Sammy playing together. Sammy is two weeks older than Ben. I only clocked his mum at church right near the end of our pregnancies, and now we're good friends!

Home to tackle the mountain of washing up, snuggle with Ben, get the painted mugs up on etsy at last, catch up with Strictly, and finally get a nibbling Charley to sleep.

Did I mention he's starting to walk?!

And now I'm back in bed trying to blip with eyes that are closing of their own accord!

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