Happy trains

Ahhh. Peaceful happy playtime with the trains. The track is still out, the cars are still lined up waiting at the level crossing, but there appears to have been a massive derailment just at the level crossing so the cars may have to wait a little while longer..... I may be kind and put the train back on the track ready for Ben to continue playing in the morning!!

Yesterday was a really lovely day overall. Thankyou so much for all the congratulations and kind messages on my blipday! I am going to do my absolute best to reply to everyone this time around!! I'm working my way through :D If I comment on your blip and don't say thanks in response it's because I've not yet got to you on the list! Otherwise I'll stop commenting because I'll worry that I'm missing someone out.... D'oh!

Big writeup today. Have to include most of yesterday as well, seeing as I posted so early in the day!

Our friends got all the wallpaper stripped off in the back bedroom (which is to be our bedroom eventually), and although all the walls are in need of some serious TLC before we can even think about decorating at least we can actually see what we're up against now. Ben helped me hoover up afterwards... I went to the loo, he told me he was just goin' do hoover in bedroom, 'k? I said ok, thinking it's fine, Henry (the hoover) is all tidied away and not plugged in. Then the hoover started up. Ben has learnt how to unravel the power cord, and where to plug it in, and turn it on. I sometimes think I'm teaching him far too much.

Anyway after we'd finished hoovering, it was time for a cuddle and a sleep and as we were expecting someone round who was bringing us dinner I decided not to transfer him to his bed but just to let him sleep on my shoulder for a while. It was actually really lovely having a sleepy cuddle like that :) I'm usually far too much in a hurry to put him in his bed so I can do other stuff! Ruth came round with food, and Ben woke up slowly - but as soon as he did wake up and realised who was here he hardly let me get a word in edgeways! I think he likes Ruth :)

After dinner we had to pop out to the supermarket and I did my good girl jobs and sorted out the tyre pressures on the car while we were out. Round the shop and home again and as soon as the shopping was away it was bathtime for Ben. See, I promised I'd give him a bath. He had a good long soak in the bubbly water, soaking away all that grime that's been building up. He doesn't mind being dirty. Good job really living in this house, but still, it was getting ridiculous. I just don't have the energy for a Ben-bathtime every night, and for the past week he's been falling asleep just at the point where I'd otherwise have bathed him!!

Job done. Into pyjamas, hair dried, stories read, toilet, hands washed, teeth cleaned, face washed, into bed, asleep in minutes. Ok so it was nearly 10pm. But still. It was the happiest, most relaxed, peaceful and calmest I've seen Ben in a long long time. A very happy bedtime.

And then to top off my lovely day, just as I was sitting down with a very big cookie and a cup of tea to go through the blipday messages, I noticed Stephen was online! Ahhhh I love that his early morning is the same time as my late night and we can actually have a chat :D That made my day, that did. I went to bed a happy wifey!!

Today has been tired but good. No work parties today, but fabulous things arrived in the post (child benefit - finally applied for it over the summer, thought it'd only get backdated 3 months, it's being backdated TWO AND A HALF YEARS and Ben bless him couldn't understand why I was crying - tears of happiness are not a normal occurrence!!) (and my new sugar monitor arrived as well, FAR quicker than expected!) and then lovely friends came for lunch and Ben got to see one of his best friends (probably his best friend, I think!) and they played and shrieked and laughed out in the garden before having lunch. I got baby cuddles (I think at 5 months I can still call him a baby, just!) and baby food all down my top, and my happiness tank got filled up seeing my friends.

Steve called while my friends were here. It's not going so well over there! There are no speakers installed yet to tune. The building isn't even finished!! And they still want the grand opening on Tuesday.... It's going to be a very very very long day for Steve on Monday :-/

Ben and I have cuddled and played all the rest of the afternoon. He fell asleep 4.30pm ish, and I managed to have a bath and a sit down before he woke up! He wasn't interested in anything other than cuddles though when he woke up, and fell asleep again and again on my lap. We finally had dinner - his choice was simply a yoghurt - and a bit more play, and then we had to go through the whole daddy-rabbit Ben-rabbit mummy-rabbit thing again to put Ben-rabbit (the toy) to bed. Toilet, pyjamas (Ben changed rabbit's imaginary nappy, and put imaginary pyjamas on him, and cleaned his teeth with an old toothbrush), teeth, face, bed.... and it took a LONG time to get Ben to stay asleep. My bump and back hurt so much I had to climb out of his bed and I think he was ok with me sitting by the bed instead of curled up in it......

And I've had a late-night / early-morning chat with Stephen again (it was about 6am there) and told him to go back to sleep!!

Just got to tidy the kitchen table and then it's off to bed with me as well. Am proper sleepy tired again. Got to get up in the morning and see if I can get Ben and me to church in one piece ;0)

Night all!!

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