Tough day

I really overdid it yesterday - but I got the kitchen into a state suitable to cook in. That was my main objective! It has had its cost though and I paid it today.

Ben on the other hand - he's been tired, but full of pent-up energy with no real outlet other than me. We've had a couple of full-on toddler temper tantrums complete with hitting and lashing out and that was before and during breakfast - down to tiredness but too much energy. The rain has been relentless today, but perhaps if I'd not been so utterly exhausted and feeling sick I'd've taken him out somewhere to burn the energy off but as it was he's had to make do with an at-home day. I'm simply too tired! I managed the washing up much to his annoyance, and just about managed to make breakfast. Sadly Ben decided that while I was still feeling delicate he wanted to cuddle mummy's baby, and mummy's tummy didn't like that one bit and did its party trick of total and utter rejection of everything I'd eaten so far.

Lunch almost went the same way but thankfully Ben decided to cuddle mummy's baby before I'd eaten anything so lunch was saved.

And then I decided that I needed to pick Steve up from work so that he could be home to help me cope rather than come home exhausted from cycling looking like a half-drowned rat.

Ben decided to have a full-scale meltdown just as I was getting dressed to get into the car to pick Steve up. Proper meltdown. Almost fell asleep on my knee but woke up when I tried to put him into the car, screamed and cried most of the way to pick Steve up, then calmed down and grumped. And two minutes before getting to the carpark... "I tired, mummy." So he closed his eyes and fell asleep and stayed asleep until we'd been and got a chip supper to cheer us all up (well, me mainly).

And now he's in bed asleep and I feel really rough and as soon as I feel up to moving I'm going to see about having my bedtime insulin and going to bed too....

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