jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Misty is Kath's (and the rest of the Saner's) cat. We went to visit this morning to go bramble picking - if you ever need a spot of pure relaxation, go bramble picking. Ben played in the garden as Kath and I gathered in an abundance of sweet brambles, and Ben helped occasionally by putting the fruit into tubs, and by making sure I tested them from time to time. He did try one, once, but didn't actually squash it in his mouth enough to release the juice, he didn't like the feel of it and spat it out. At least he got it in his mouth, it's a start!

That was just pure relaxation. Fresh air, good company, sweet fruit, happy Ben, just a perfect morning.

The picture shows Ben offering Misty a blackberry. Misty wasn't interested particularly in eating it, but was happy to say hello to Ben, much to his delight!

A few more pictures on my flickr stream... Link to follow - the disadvantage of iPhone blippage, at least it means I don't have to wait to be approved!

The big Organise continues. Now the cupboard has been emptied, I've discovered it's harder than you think to fill it. Bought a pile of tubs, filled all of them, will link to a picture in a minute! Feels good to be progressing. Even if it's downstairs and not Ben's bedroom. At least it's progress. Inside, outside - more space to display Ben's artistic talent! :D

And finally. I cleaned the kitchen window today. Inside and out. It sparkles. And, apparently we have a garden outside! Not spotted that before...

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