
Not sure if this was Ben's 3rd yoghurt or if that was still to come. Either way, 3 yoghurts for lunch did send him slightly doolally. But at least he went doolally at Hayley's house. He also ate the chocolate off the top of an eclair and then left the eclair and asked for the chocolate off the top of the other one. I had a cream slice - I checked the carbohydrate content of all the options and decided if I was going to have insulin I might as well make it worth it so I had the option with the most carbohydrate and calories :) At the rate I am eating (which is not that much) I am going to weigh less than my pre-pregnancy weight when baby is born so I am feeling a little bit of a need to consume a few more calories. I do not have the cash spare to go buying new clothes for me as well as a new baby!!

So evidently we made it out of the house today. The only way I could get Ben dressed was to suggest getting the bus to Hayley's house (I discovered there is indeed a bus that goes past her road from our house). It may not have been my brightest idea as I was feeling slightly less than enthused about it (and my stomach wasn't keen either) by the time we were standing waiting for the bus. Ben then decided to sit right at the BACK of the bus. Thanks, Ben. But we made it, without me being sick. And we had a lovely lunch (well, Hayley and I did, and I suppose after a fashion Ben did too) and Ben got to run around somewhere other than our living room, and he wasn't too grumbly about going home either.

Shopping got delivered after I'd been daft and done another half hour of hoovering so the fridgeables got put away and Ben and I headed off to bed... After an HOUR of faffing Ben finally decided that he did need to sleep. And then slept for two and a half hours before waking up and coming to find me to tell me he needed to go back to bed. But we convinced him to have some supper of pasta and cheese sauce and we all ate well, and then we ALL went to bed together and fell asleep gratefully.

Not as bad a day as Tuesday, thank goodness.

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