michigan man

By outdoorguy

The King

I've been dropping my doctor off at his house
usually at 5:45 p.m., which gets me home about 6:30 p.m. Today...was an early
day. Dropped him off at 3:45, stopped and did some grocery shopping, then hit
the garden center at 5:00 p.m.
I'm sure the garden center does not like to see me
coming in the door. They see me carrying my camera, and I think they can sense
that I left my wallet in the car.
I head right for the butterfly bushes. This
Monarch, or the King as I called him...posed and posed. Such a pretty creature.
I have one picture with him and a small moth on the same flower...and the King
gives the moth a look that says..."You're kidding...aren't you? Pleeease get off
the bush! Your'e ruining the shot!!"
I am taking so many pictures, and the camera
is pressed against my face...that I don't notice the salesgirl sneak up on me.
"Can I help you with anything, Sir?" "Ummmmm...Do these butterfly bushes ever go
on sale?" "They're on sale now, Sir. Didn't you see the sign?" (I guess I missed
it...pre-occupied.) 30 per-cent off isn't good enough for me, and besides...I
already have one growing in my backyard that is attracting nothing.
She gives me that female/salesgirl "look", so I
move on to the Lily section. Again I am absorbed in my work...when another
troublesome girl approaches. "Help you find something, Sir ?" (At least they are
good-mannered.) Again...I stammer. "Ummmm....what kind of dirt do I need to
plant these lilies?" "Normal dirt, and a nice starter mix will get them going."
Again...the "look", plus it's close to the 6 p.m. closing time...so I head for
the door.
On the way out...I ask the cashier how long into
the season they will stay open...knowing that they stay open all year. "We're
open all year, Sir." I say "Thank you very much", and hit the door.
I open my van door, and lay my camera next to my
wallet. A quick swig of my Diet Coke...and as Jackie Gleason used to say..."AND

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