Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Wedding Lilies

My new niece gave me one of the centerpieces from their wedding on Friday and I have been meaning to take some pictures of the calla lilies. Actually, I meant to take some pictures of the roses and the hydrangas too ... but I waited a bit too long and they are all a little ragged now. The lilies, however, seem to be holding up quite well. I've always thought they were such pretty flowers and hopefully I've done them justice.

The lower part of our property where our willow lays is still under about a foot of water, so we've made no attempt to try to start cutting the tree up and getting it out. First, I'm going to take some cuttings so that I can hopefully grow a new weeping willow...

Well, now I'm off to see what you've all been up to today...

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