Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

I'm all ... Eyes

This is the plainest of little plain dragonflies. We have lots of them around, and they aren't much too look at when compared to their bright blue, green and red brethren. However, turn a macro loose on one and ... voila! Honestly, I thought he was looking right at me with his enormous eyes.

I'm deaf in one ear and pretty much blind in one eye (thank you, brain tumor) so maybe that explains my fascination with insect eyes. Hm, must explore that...

I also found the strangest tiny moth. It landed on a blade of grass and I was able to get a halfway decent shot of it by laying on the ground next to it's blade. The neighbors must think I'm completely bonkers. Notice his blue eyes?

By the way, the hummies are still here, so you should expect to see more pictures. They are in a fevered pitch now with non-stop feeding.

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