
By TeeJay

I found one!

My kea hunt paid off. I shot lots today - with my camera. My captures of their spread wings are somewhat disappointing but I am still pleased overall. Just the fact that I have photographed keas means that I can cross something off my 'things I want to photograph' list.

These people raised the bonnet (hood to some of you) on their car and the keas couldn't wait to get under it to play. They immediately started looking for things they could pull out - hoses, cables etc. They really are naughty birds - but so beautiful and so inquisitive that it's hard to get angry at them.

There wasn't as much snow left on the trip over as I had expected - but it was still beautiful. Particularly through the castle hill/flock hill area. I do love the colours and rock fromations through there and the snow that was left just added that special something to the landscape. Gorgeous.

Christchurch tonight and then home tomorrow morning - after breakfast at Drexels. Yum!

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