michigan man

By outdoorguy

Everybody Needs IRON

I'm always drawn to shadows, whether they are of yourself at twilight, or of an old part of a fence.

This fence or gate is on the porch of an antique store called Yesterdays Treasures. I liked the shadow it was throwing in the morning sun.

Just for fun...while my grandson is napping...I thought I would Google the companys name for some info. The Stewart Iron Works. I pecked away at the keyboard.

They are still in business...making fences, gates, railings, and even gazebos since 1860. That's about 150 years. Some beautiful stuff on their website (Wish I knew how to link.)

They have made fences or gates for Walt Disneyworld, the White House, and the Panama Canal...among others. In the 1930's they started making the bars for jail cells. Some of their jail customers included Alcatraz, Leavenworth, Marion, and Sing Sing.

During both World Wars, they produced trucks and other items for the U.S. Army. After the war, they sold their products through the Sears and Roebuck catalog. That's an image that will take you back a few years. We used to hate them back when they would send them through the mail. They could really weigh down a mailbag, but were great for holding off or smacking a nasty dog.

A shadow on a porch led to a half-hour tour of wrought iron. Cincinnati. I can picture many bridges, the riverfront stadium, the Art Museum, church steeples, and all of those tall skinny houses that you can see from the interstate. I always wondered if all the people in those houses liked their neighbors...because they sure got to see a lot of them.

I wish I could report some prices, but none were listed. If you have to ask...you probably can't afford it.

Baby crying. Back to my gradfatherly duties. Time for a stoller ride.

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