Two Fliers at the "Dog" Park

Where does this guy in the back think he the dog park? Reminds me of the last time we took our dog to the dog park. A southern "gentleman" said..."Don't you just let old Bruno take a sniff of her butt...and they'll both be fine." Then...he spit on his boot.

A beautiful day of sunshine and 74 degrees. I took a walk in my back yard...looking for Swallowtails. I found their smaller cousins.

2 butterfly questions. 1. If you have a name choice between the fiery skipper or the least skipper...which one do you take? I'll take the fiery any day, and twice on Sunday. These 2 are Hylephila Phyleus. Perhaps he is a little more FIRED UP than she.

2. Another name choice. The Grizzled Skipper...or...the Common-Checkered Skipper? go with the Grizzled. The Grizzled one...I put on my flickr page...along with another "frisky" shot, and the rectangular shot I'm going to make into a bookmark.

I must sink myself into some research for my upcoming trip. Pennsylvania, New York, and up into New England. We're leaving the day before Labor Day. 2 weeks away. I feel some good history lessons coming.

Sink her into LARGE for a better sniff. Is it my imagination...or are the females antennae doing a little dance? It does take two to tango...or at least I think it does.

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