michigan man

By outdoorguy


I drove down the country road where I saw some
"wildlife" 2 days ago. That day...I saw 5-6 deer, a bright red dragonfly, and a
Spicebush Swallowtail, a butterfly that I had never seen before.
I was in search of the butterfly. I took 225
pictures of him on Tuesday, but had already blipped my swan couple. I spotted
him, but he seemed to want to stay in the shade on the wrong side of the road. I
thought a little song might help. I looked around to make sure nobody was in the
area. "Keep on the sunny side...Always on the sunny side...Keep on the sunny
side of life." He stayed in the shade. Even butterflies are critics. I tried not
to take it personally.
I also found the red dragonfly. She seemed to like
the song. The long lens was having trouble getting a focus, so I switched
to a short lens, and changed the format to macro. I was surprised to see how
close she let me get to her. I was so close that I could see what she had for
breakfast. Scrambled eggs with red peppers would be my guess. The peppers
matched her color...so it was hard to tell.
The blip came down to the messy-eating dragonfly, a
hard-working bumble-bee with pollen saddle-bags, and this Pink-edged Sulphur.
The green eyes won me over. And...the color didn't hurt, either. After
watching butterflies and moths all week...I'm still amazed at the length of that
"tongue." If we transferred the size to our bodies...we would be walking around
with our tongues dragging on the ground. We would look like giant Bassett
Not until I started pictures of butterflies
did I realize how many types there are. I've made a shortcut on my computer to
get to the image gallery quicker. Lots of pretty

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