Day 3 Belfast Castle

21months 10days

She was up pretty early again, and spent a nice time playing with the teddies in the games room. She had a wander out in the front garden, a big breakfast and then got a bit restless. She asked for her boots and coat, then presented me with mine, so we took it that we were going out. Christine and I got sorted and the three of us walked to church (Stephen left later in the car so we didnt have to walk home again!) Anyway, after 2 streets, Katie wanted carrying. After 3 streets, she was asleep in my arms. She woke up during the sermon and we went out to the creche to play, where she continued on her eating mission, and played happily with the new children.

When we got back to Christines, we had a play outside with the ball, although I think Katie woke up too early from her sleep and still seemed tired. We had a great, proper Sunday lunch and Katie ate yet more, and well.

We set off for Belfast Castle and she soon fell back to sleep. I could not wake her up when we arrived and so she slept a lot of the way round too. She did wake up in time to spot a few of the cats in the garden trail. When I did manage to wake her, we went up to the visitor centre, where she was fascinated by a display of country animals. She "press, press"-ed about 6 times to hear the talking and loved the owl.

We headed to the airport, and were sad to say goodbye to Christine and Stephen but very excited for the next leg of our adventures. Katie spent ages on the free soft play in the departure lounge. She made Monkey and Dog slides. On the plane, she decided she didnt like the noise of the engines warming up, but settling when we'd taken off properly. She fought to make sure she stayed awake for the whole thing.

When we found our car in the big carparks again, she was extremely excited to discover I'd sneaked Baby in amongst our luggage. She snuggled in her jammies and very soon was asleep. Off we set for our next destination - Lyme Regis, in Dorset.

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