Day 2 - North Northern Ireland

21months 9 days

Katie got us up very early. So we had a bath together and played in our room. We were downstairs before Cbeebies had even got up. Katie ate a huge breakfast of everything I offered her and more that she requested. Everyone else got up and we all played together for a while. Yet were still out by 8.30!

We drove to Giants Causeway. She LOVED it. She climbed for ages, having a great time climbing with Christine whilst I took some photos. I took her down to the lower rocks and she splashed away in the big puddles between them . We walked back up the hill and she did it all, bar the tiniest but steepest short section. She took quite a long time to reach the top though as she kept stopping to pick up pebbles and people kept stopping her to chat.

We then drove to Port Stewart to a really fabulous American style diner for lunch. Such a brilliant place, and lovely food. Katie again pinched Christines chips, and her cheese. We walked to a wonderful beachside park, with big paddling pool, splash fountains, swings, climbing frames, sand play area. I bought her a bubble gun, which she was excited about. She wandered round in her dressing gown, wellies and stripey hat. And looked totally wonderful!

We went back to the Diner to buy some incredibly delicious ice cream. I had rhubarb & custard and Crème Egg. I got Katie banana. She claimed mine. We watched their Red Sail Festival - there was a parade of drums and a fancy dress costumes. She loved the drums and was not at all amused by the fancy dress, costumes freak her out!

We drove back to Carrick Fergus and had a walk round their continental market. She saw a pirate who was wandering round on stilts. We then headed to the park and she spent 45 minutes playing chase around and through the climbing frames. We played ball all together, but she wouldn?t let Stephen join in for a while as she thought he'd take the ball!

When we got back to their house, she was lining all the teddies up saying "smile teddy, cheese" and pretending to take their photos

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