michigan man

By outdoorguy

The Setting Sun

I don't usually do skies, but I loved the way the suns rays lit up the skies.

This is our last night with baby Merrick. He almost made it through the entire church service this morning. He was walking along the legs of my wife, my dad, and me. Then he started saying "Ga-ga-ga-ga-ga...and...Da-da-da-da-da," and spitting rather loudly. Merrick and my wife then missed the short sermon, and the Lords Supper.

He was pretty good through lunch, and then took a 70 minute nap. But...after the nap...he woke up like he was possessed. Nothing we could do satisfied him. For being such a pretty boy, he was downright ugly.

A trip to Wendys usually cheers me up. "Let's try it on Merrick." He got his usual meat dish from Gerber (stage 2), followed by applesauce with bananas.
After eating his dinner well, he got a few bonus bites from our small Frosty(chocolate, of course.)

A swim at the state park finished up our evening. The little man loves the water. He sits in his fancy baby float, and just splashes away.

When we got out of the water... I got seagulls bathing, and a bare-bottomed baby....standing on a picnic table. We looked up and saw the awesome sky. The flying bird was nice, too.

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