
By Runningbackwards

Col de Cherel

Search for this on google and the chances are you might find Cheryl Cole! Much as I admire her artistic ability and integrity it was this little known Alpine climb I was looking for.

This morning was spent chugging up here while the boys and Mrs RB were down at the beach (all parties happy with arrangement). 11 kilometres from it's official start this ride rises to 1495 metres and is gorgeous and it has to be said, fairly straightforward (downplaying it is something I shouldn't really be doing, right?!)

I loved every minute of it. Cycling puts me in some kind of bizarre meditative/ecstatic state and today that lasted the distance of the climb. A tiny part of me thought that there may be a refuge on top serving ice cold Orangina but alas, no, so it was a squidgy pear and some warm water.

I sat at the top next to my bike for a little while and observed the somewhat redundant road sign with some amusement and then thought it best to return to the lake (which may be observed in the distance if the photo is made large). The descent took about 10% of the time of the ascent and my brakes, if not actually glowing red, were mighty warm.

Back to the lake and a refreshing swim in gorgeous Lake Annecy.

I could do this every day but then I guess the fact that I can't is what makes it special.

In response to requests about Books: Atlantic: A biography; The Spirit Level; Something about the experiences of childhood (worthy teacher tome).

Sorry not to be commenting - this internet connection is up, down, on, off. Should I be blipping on holiday? Well, it's 5 minutes in the afternoon before cooking/washing up and while Son #1 is writing his journal. Plus it saves me writing a holiday journal, something I've always done for some reason!

In glorious technicolour!

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