Cothelstone Hill

On a whim we drove down to Fyne Court in the Quantocks. We drove through a rain shower of considerable proportion that turned the country lanes into rivers.

The boys loved it when I drove through the puddles/ponds/small lakes.

A walk around the grounds of Fyne Court. Fyne Court itself burnt down, as a lot of country houses seem to do. A lot seemed to have been caused by servants forgetting candles...mmmm, suspicious!

On the way back, we had a little walk up to the top of Cothelstone hill. An easy little walk to a great view. Apparently you can see 14 counties and 150 churches from the top on a good day. I could see more heavily pregnant rain clouds dropping their load over the Bristol Channel.

Anyway, a good copse always seems to help out the top of hill and I don't think Cothelstone is an exception.

An early run this morning and some exercises on the kitchen floor to make my stomach slightly less wobbly.

13 miles to do tomorrow morning. If that gets done without too many tears I may be back on track after all.

More Olympic magic. I find it very inspiring.

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