All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Lucinda & Ethan

I was going to walk down to Ethan's swimming class today with him but one look at the pouring rain put paid to that idea. He wasn't on the greatest form at his class today but I think that was because the older girls in his group had to go in the pool without their mummies for the first time. They weren't best pleased about this and there were lots of tears and tantrums - I suspect that was off putting for Ethan.

We then nipped round Sainsbury's where he fell asleep in the trolley again!

After lunch, Missus B & Lucinda popped round for a visit. I tried to get a few photos of the two toddlers together but that proved pretty tricky! It's funny to see how much bigger than Lucinda, Ethan is now. He's only 2 months older than her but he hasn't half shot up!

In the evening I popped out for an eyebrow wax and got home to find Granny & Grandpa had arrived. It's unusual for them to arrive after Ethan's bedtime but they had been busy babysitting Eden, hence their late arrival.

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