All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

New shoes

Granny, Grandpa & Ethan day today - I think they found him a bit more hard work than usual as he was rather grumpy and not himself. He was narky when hubbie & I got home from work too but we took him down to McArthur Glen as his shoes are getting rather tight and we probably won't have time to go shopping this weekend. I was a bit taken aback when his feet got measured in Clarks and we found that he's now a 6G (his current shoes are 4G - oops)!

I also got a nice surprise when hubbie presented me with a belated wedding anniversary pressie (it was our 11th anniversary yesterday). He has bought me a kindle! I normally like to read books in the bath but I think I'd better give that a miss with the kindle!

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