All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Blue skies and spots!

Hubbie & I normally only car share on a Friday because that day Granny & Grandpa watch Ethan. I've been worried that if we car shared on a nursery day that I'd get a phone call from the nursery saying Ethan wasn't well and that I'd be stranded at work without a car. Today, hubbie wanted to car share to save fuel. And guess what .... just after 9am the nursery phoned me .... they suspected Ethan had hand, foot and mouth disease. As it's very contagious, they wanted me to pick him up asap and get him checked by a doctor. I couldn't get hold of hubbie on his mobile but one of my lovely colleagues offered to run me home.

Ethan seemed rather bemused to see me only 2 hours or so after he'd been dropped off at nursery but happily said "bye bye" to the staff as we left. As it was a glorious day, I thought we'd play in the garden and hoped I'd even manage to get some gardening done. But he got rather tetchy so we ended up going out for a walk. He actually walked further than I've seen him walk before, including another trip to our local playpark. He went back in the pushchair under protest but was asleep within a few minutes. I had to wake him after an hour 20 mins to get to the doctors appointment!

The GP isn't convinced it is hand, foot & mouth and said no reason he can see to keep him away from other chidren so to carry on as normal. I'm relieved at that as we have a busy few days socially coming up, including my sister in laws wedding at the weekend. Would hate to have had to miss that!

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