All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The first rung

Another non alarm clock late wake up for us today! Hubbie & I woke at 6.45am ... Ethan 15 minutes later! That's 2 days of 7 something o'clock starts from Ethan - I could get used to this (probably best not though - will probably all go haywire again tomorrow)!

Hubbie forgot to take his house keys with him this morning so after he picked Ethan up from nursery, he took him to our local playpark while they waited for me to get home.

Ethan was grumpy again this evening. Not the horrific meltdowns we've jad recently but just narky, wanting picked up and howled whenever I left the room. In the end he decided he wanted to go on his tricycle so I took him back to the playpark again. There were lots of teenagers hanging about on the wee slide but Ethan wasn't bothered and went on the big slide quite happily. He also showed me that he can now climb up on to the bottom rung of the ladder by himself although he then gets completely stuck and doesn't know what to do next!

He wasn't at all keen to have his bath again tonight. However, he did have fun playing peek-a-boo behind his hands before I put him in. He has also started saying "boo" when he takes his hands away from his face!

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