All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

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I was supposed to be having a friend visit this afternoon, but as I still wasn't feeling 100%, I cancelled.

I really didn't want Ethan to miss his weekly swimming class though, so I dragged myself down to that, with Grandpa accompanying me as he was keen to watch. Although I was worn out afterwards, it was worth it as Ethan clearly enjoys the class so much. As it was the last class of the term, it wasn't a proper class but a fun session with the babies playing with toys in the pool and the mummies having a good blether.

This evening we gave Ethan pasta for the first time. Popeye pasta to be exact. I wasn't sure if he'd be able to cope with the cooked pasta and was fully prepared to have to take it away from him to puree it. However, he loved it and demolished the whole bowl full. Result!

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