Productive Day

After church Ben helped daddy build my new shelves. They are cheap and cheerful and are already serving their purpose in keeping a lot of the junk off the kitchen table. But best of all, I finally have somewhere to keep my recipe books and biscuit tins!!

Before that, Ben was being noisy. Tunefully and rhythmically, but still pretty noisy. Here's a snippet. Just be thankful. We had to listen to over an hour of this!!

And before that, it was church. Good stuff from Steve Oliver this morning. Talking about the beautiful coat that Isreal made for his son Joseph, and how God makes us beautiful individual coats as well - our giftings and talents and all that sort of stuff. Funny really because yet again before the message I already had God putting my coat on me and me feeling that for the first time in a long long time I actually felt more fully "me", rather than the disjointed, segmented "me" that I have been feeling like.

I danced. I remembered my ribbons and my beautiful white dance flag. I stood for about 5 minutes with my ribbons in my hand as the band played, thinking, "I'm not sure of I can remember how to dance like this...." but eventually my feet started moving and my arms started moving and before long I found myself dancing :) and thoroughly enjoying feeling so free and released.

On Friday with that planned and set up bump shoot I found myself thinking creatively, planning the shot I wanted as I walked home, setting things up and getting the picture I wanted.

I'm desperate to paint again, I'm desperate to play piano again; and I'm finding that actually there are opportunities to do so if I took them up!

My brain is waking up, the creativity that has been dormant for so long is waking up. I'm feeling more like the complete Jeni, rather than just the particular piece of Jeni that has been Ben's mummy for the past couple of years.

It's a good feeling.

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